Duane Vorhees

Published on 5 May 2024 at 07:21

 1.“A considerable share of Felicity” is your new book published some months ago. How was this poetry collection born?

 Like all of my poetry, it was born of a union of the subconscious and the conscious. My mind finds or invents or remembers some association, and one thing leads to another. Eventually, it reaches a point where I know what it’s about. Then I spend a lot of time honing it, “perfecting” it – of course, it will never be perfect, but I get as close as I’m able.


  2. How long did it take you to write it?

I wrote about one/year.


  3. Is this book an autobiography in verse?

 It is not autobiographical in the way that most people use the term. It is based on what has happened to me, what I’ve done and felt, what I’ve observed, and what I’ve invented.


  4. Do you consider it a very good companion to anyone in search of happiness?

Happiness, yes, in some poems. But most of my poems are contemplative. And they try to appeal to people who enjoy good poetry not just because of any particular viewpoint or sentiment but because wordplay gives them satisfaction in the way that music or art or athletic contests provide.


  5. This book cover grabs one’s attention. Does it reflect the book's tone or give a hint about its content?

My books are published by Hog Press, the brainchild of Mikesch Muecke, among other things, he is a graphic designer. I have been an active participant in the development of all my covers, and Mikesch has always skillfully brought my ideas to fruition. The title of the book is from a line in Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, and does imply having a happy existence, but life is not always happy. Felicity was the ironic name of a woman who was martyred, along with all seven of her sons, for refusing to honor the Roman gods. I hope the cover suggests the dualities of existence.


  6. Why would you recommend your book to readers?

 It is honest. It clarifies the human condition. It is contemplative but with a sense of humor and humanity. It elevates the English language (“it is poetic”).



An interview with Duane Vorhees, taken by Irma Kurti


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